My Mother-in-Law Michaela, and her cousin Gabriela opened their own eCosway store in Toombul Shopping Center. They had done a lot of network marketing and work to get to this point and we were excited to come to their grand opening and see their beautiful store.
This company is based out of Malaysia and is more dominant in Asian cultures, and I believe Michaela and Garby were the first Westerners to open up a store. They sold a variety of things from health food to dishes to toys to bras. But it was all very natural and good for you. :)
We have loved the products they've given us over the years and are so proud of all their work.
Here she is, the lady-of-the-hour herself, ringing in the first store purchase.
ps: The shop itself is still open in Toombul, but if you go on by you'll see a nice Asian man sitting there instead of the smiling faces of Michaela and Garby.