October 25, 2010

Mouse problems - Expect Delays

Hello my lovely blog fans :)
Just putting in a little note of explanation. I have tons to catch up on still with my blog, but all of my photos are on our desktop and our computer mouse has died making them all pretty inaccessible. So we've ordered another mouse on ebay and once it arrives I'll be able to get back to work! So hence the lack of posts and hopefully I'll be up and running again soon.
:) Love Leah
ps: Here's an oldie but goodie photo from the first time Varian and I dated back in '04. This was our 3rd date (It was 17 hours long and at the end I still didn't want to have to say goodbye...an amazing sign!)

October 4, 2010

May-June Moments

Here are a few other highlights to touch upon before moving on in my blog:

For my family belated bday dinner we had the surprise of having Felicity up in town to visit us. She is delightful and is truly a kindred spirit and made the night so special!

Here's another look at the cuteness that greats me each morning. :)

Jaren's play date Elleanor. He gets crazy excited when he sees her in church.

Jaren's first attempt at eating rice cereal. So excited to start with but not as happy by the end. At the time I was breastfeeding and bottle feeding him and decided that to add cereal feeding on top of that right before our big US trip was going to be a nightmare. He was only 5 months at the time anyway but I had been feeling a little pressured to start him on solids. So I made the executive decision to postpone that until he turned 6 months, which was a good call in the end.

Oma and Opa's birthday party. I was waiting for ages for Jaren to grow into that darling suit my sister-in-law Claire sent us and then to my despair when I tried it on him one day he was already almost too big for it. But isn't it so cute!