December 22, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here is our cute table with personalized name packets/activities for everyone to do. The decorations came from my lovely American friend Rachel which was so great because it's hard to find fall leaves and turkey decorations down here!

Varian and I and my cute belly. I'm 7+ months along here.

We actually bought a turkey this year - not very common here, and hence more expensive, but I'm glad we got it. For those of you who saw my facebook photos of last year's Thanksgiving, saw that I mentioned I cried in the supermarket when we vetoed the turkey and just bought chicken. Not that I don't like chicken but sometimes being homesick hits worst around holidays and traditions.

Also I'm so lucky to have a husband that loves to cook and is such a great chef! Ugh - I've never wanted to be the one to have to cook the turkey (too many bones and icky things) but Varian doesn't mind cooking meat (and loves eating it) and so usually that job falls to him. I did make up the stuffing this year which turned out to be a great success (yay!) and our lovely family brought everything else to help out.

Getting ready to eat. Lani and Mya were there too that night but my camera was going crazy and I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked. It was a lovely night though and great to be able to celebrate the Pilgrims and Indians and all the blessings that Heavenly Father gives us!


kate said...

hello dearie! just found your blog on your facebook page. yay! so nice to see pictures of you. you look wonderful! happy baby to you in a few days!! i'll be checking in here often. :)

kate said...

p.s. it's me: kate hale wilson. i know you have LOTS of kates/katies in your life. :)

Stefani said...

Hey! I am so excited I found your blog. Connie told me all about your delivery and hospital experience there. I can't believe how different things are there. I hope everything with your little one is going well. I miss you.