September 18, 2011

Real and Fake (Last July)

Here is an entry about some of my real and fake relatives. Yes I have fake aunts, uncles and cousins. My parents were big on showing respect/titles for adults and so we called their friends Aunt and Uncle; which explains why almost all of my friends refer to my parents as Uncle Bob and Aunt Suzie. I think it's nice. And it has created a whole world of fake relatives for me. I love all my real and fake relatives. Again can I mention that that's something that I miss so much about living down under. Nearly all of my relatives (real and fake) live within a half hour's radius in Utah and were such a huge part of my life growing up. I miss seeing you all!!! 

One great thing about living down under is that we are close to my new Aston relatives though sadly we don't see them as much as we'd like. We need to start instigating more parties, because I love my Aston Aunts and Uncles and cousins! They are such wonderful people and I'm so grateful for them. You'll see more photos of Aston relatives in future posts. Chronologically I'm still working through my US trip last July.   


Above is the Weber State fireworks with the Froerers. I'm so excited I got to be home for this last year. I'm such a sucker for fireworks. Below is from a barbeque with the Rollos, Laytons, Woods' and us-Woods. 

The Layton's had this huge swing that they had tied to the top of the trees and 2 men would pull a rope hooked to the swing to get you as high as as possible and then you'd go flying. It was very exciting! 

24th of July with the Wood Family. What a great family I have - and I'm proud to be a pioneer descendant and celebrate this holiday with them. This year Varian made me hamburgers just so I could still carry on some of our 24th of July traditions. Though where was Aunt Barbara's jello/cottage cheese salad or Uncle Darwin's root beer? Sigh. 

I thought I had pictures of our Jeppson Family Fast Sunday Fiesta but I can't find them. Hmm? Are they victims of the flood? I was able to recover most if not all of our pictures, but I can't seem to find them anywhere. Oh I do love my Jeppsons so very much. We get together (well they do still) every Fast Sunday for a big party. How I miss those Sundays! This year I talked them all into doing it a week earlier so that my cousin April and her family that were visiting and I could be there. Bless their hearts. 

All right, until next post. I've got a bunch half made and saved up so hopefully I'll get caught up on my US trip soon. :)

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